Stir / ADDF Film Festival

Screened at @stir ADFF Film Festival in Mumbai. A visual collaboration for conversation titled ‘The City as Theatre’ by @beetakespictures Akshat Bhatt of @architecture_discipline and Tanya Khanna @tanyakhanna
A graphic compilation of architectural principles: Emotion and Commotion by Architecture Discipline, exploring the urban landscape as a stage for human life, emotion, and memory. The visuals were an amalgamation of excerpts from my anthology of short film: White Tower and Architecture discipline’s Book Artworks: Emotion & Commotion.
Screened January 10, 2025, National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA), Mumbai.
Music / Soundscapes:
Anastasia Vronski / Dead Peoples Records / Deef / Etcetera Music / Exit
Karl Ray / Metek Zreen Toyz / Mo Rooneh / Mystery Mammal / Noiseonport
Old Coffins / Sharperheart / Violet And The Mutants / Vortichez